2020 Presidential Campaign
Once again we are runing for President and Vice President of the United States of America. Our new 2020 platform, combines with our still valid 2016 platform.
And thanks in advance for your vote(s).
Once again we are runing for President and Vice President of the United States of America. Our new 2020 platform, combines with our still valid 2016 platform.
- Your soon to be - Paradox President (and Vice President).
And thanks in advance for your vote(s).
Our 2016 Campaign did not work out. Some rude person got elected. At least the other two didn't. We are bringing forward all our 2016 campaign promises to the 2020 race.
Vote Scott E. Newton President and Vice President
Save a buck and free yourself!
2016 Campaign promises brought forward to 2020
Promise One: 1000 in 100 - During my first 100 days in office I will eliminate, strikeout, kill, do away with, or otherwise QUASH 1000 laws. They will be REMOVED from the legislative books of the United States of America, Federal and State. We will find intrusive, ridiculous, civil rights infringing laws and GET RID OF THEM. Let's save ourselves from this run away government.
List of Laws to be Deleted
October 23, 2016
We need this? “Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988 Establishes requirements for the management and protection of caves and their resources on Federal lands, including allowing land-managing agencies to withhold the location of caves from the public, and to require permits for any removal or collecting activities in caves on Federal lands.”
September 25, 2016
Obama care is GOOD. We’ll keep it. The Obama Care Tax Mandate is bad, fining me for not signing up for issuance is an infringement of my rights. Eliminate the Obama Care Tax Mandate. Keep the government out of our physical exams.
August 22, 2016
Abortion Laws. Other than to protect women and children, we shall have no laws regulating abortion. Keep the government out of women’s wombs.
July 23, 2016
The Electoral College – Let’s get rid of it. Don’t know if it’s a law or what, but elect Scott E. Newton, President and Vice President, and We will end the Electoral College thing and have our elections based purely on the Popular Vote. Keep the government our of your ballot box.
June 19, 2016
Marijuana Laws. All prohibitions to be eliminated. Use the new tax revenue to fund Social Security. Keep the government out of our trips.
May 21, 2016
Boob laws! To be QUASHED, any and all laws regulating breast feeding in any way, and for that matter, displaying, showing, advertising, or in any other way demonstrating them. Duh! Keep the government away from our boobs.
March 30, 2016
Shut this one OFF: “The Dim Bulbs Rule. As per Congress … an edict to phase out the incandescent light bulb by 2012…” – Keep the government out of the light. A converse law we might support would be to, “Keep the government in the dark!”
February 28, 2016
AEDs! (Automatic External Defibrillators) Why they hell did we let the government mandate we put these things in public, and private, places all over the country. How many people are dropping dead of heart attacks at the airport? How many people are we saving with these stupid things? How much is this costing us tax payers? Keep the government off you chest!
November 26, 2015
Give me a break. GONE - The California law that bans the sale of alcohol at automated checkout stands. There's a damn clerk standing right there to check on you!
November 7, 2015
Helmets! Whether or not you wear a helmet while riding you motorcycle or bicycle or anything else, should be your decision, and will be, once you elect me. Keep the Government off your HEAD!
1. Laws requiring you to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle.
2. Laws requiring you to wear a helmet while riding a bicycle.
3. Laws requiring you to wear a helmet while riding any other damn thing.
October 7, 2015 Update
Seat belts. Why would we allow the Government to legislate that we must have them and wear them? Or we let the State punish us? The Government has no business in your LAP!
1. Laws requiring the presence and use of seat belts in Automobiles will be eliminated.
2. The same for Airbags.
Promise Two: Turn the Pipe - Let us turn that Keystone Pipeline thing, left, or right, depending on your point of view, fill it full of water, and send the H2O out west where it's needed. The oil companies can pay for it with those massive profits, tax breaks, and subsidies we have been giving them for years. We'll make those Arab oil baron states pay too!
Vote for Scott E. Newton for President and Vice-President.
Vote Scott E. Newton President and Vice President
Save a buck and free yourself!
2016 Campaign promises brought forward to 2020
Promise One: 1000 in 100 - During my first 100 days in office I will eliminate, strikeout, kill, do away with, or otherwise QUASH 1000 laws. They will be REMOVED from the legislative books of the United States of America, Federal and State. We will find intrusive, ridiculous, civil rights infringing laws and GET RID OF THEM. Let's save ourselves from this run away government.
List of Laws to be Deleted
October 23, 2016
We need this? “Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988 Establishes requirements for the management and protection of caves and their resources on Federal lands, including allowing land-managing agencies to withhold the location of caves from the public, and to require permits for any removal or collecting activities in caves on Federal lands.”
September 25, 2016
Obama care is GOOD. We’ll keep it. The Obama Care Tax Mandate is bad, fining me for not signing up for issuance is an infringement of my rights. Eliminate the Obama Care Tax Mandate. Keep the government out of our physical exams.
August 22, 2016
Abortion Laws. Other than to protect women and children, we shall have no laws regulating abortion. Keep the government out of women’s wombs.
July 23, 2016
The Electoral College – Let’s get rid of it. Don’t know if it’s a law or what, but elect Scott E. Newton, President and Vice President, and We will end the Electoral College thing and have our elections based purely on the Popular Vote. Keep the government our of your ballot box.
June 19, 2016
Marijuana Laws. All prohibitions to be eliminated. Use the new tax revenue to fund Social Security. Keep the government out of our trips.
May 21, 2016
Boob laws! To be QUASHED, any and all laws regulating breast feeding in any way, and for that matter, displaying, showing, advertising, or in any other way demonstrating them. Duh! Keep the government away from our boobs.
March 30, 2016
Shut this one OFF: “The Dim Bulbs Rule. As per Congress … an edict to phase out the incandescent light bulb by 2012…” – Keep the government out of the light. A converse law we might support would be to, “Keep the government in the dark!”
February 28, 2016
AEDs! (Automatic External Defibrillators) Why they hell did we let the government mandate we put these things in public, and private, places all over the country. How many people are dropping dead of heart attacks at the airport? How many people are we saving with these stupid things? How much is this costing us tax payers? Keep the government off you chest!
November 26, 2015
Give me a break. GONE - The California law that bans the sale of alcohol at automated checkout stands. There's a damn clerk standing right there to check on you!
November 7, 2015
Helmets! Whether or not you wear a helmet while riding you motorcycle or bicycle or anything else, should be your decision, and will be, once you elect me. Keep the Government off your HEAD!
1. Laws requiring you to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle.
2. Laws requiring you to wear a helmet while riding a bicycle.
3. Laws requiring you to wear a helmet while riding any other damn thing.
October 7, 2015 Update
Seat belts. Why would we allow the Government to legislate that we must have them and wear them? Or we let the State punish us? The Government has no business in your LAP!
1. Laws requiring the presence and use of seat belts in Automobiles will be eliminated.
2. The same for Airbags.
Promise Two: Turn the Pipe - Let us turn that Keystone Pipeline thing, left, or right, depending on your point of view, fill it full of water, and send the H2O out west where it's needed. The oil companies can pay for it with those massive profits, tax breaks, and subsidies we have been giving them for years. We'll make those Arab oil baron states pay too!
Vote for Scott E. Newton for President and Vice-President.